
屬於還是年青的 – 攝影、水墨、旅遊、社會

Archive for 九月 2008

Can I get a napkin pls?

with 6 comments

Written by kiwong

24 九月, 2008 at 6:21 下午

張貼於社會, 音樂

Ansel Adams

with 2 comments

“I believe in growing things and in things which have grown and died magnificently. I believe in people, and in the simple aspects of human life, and in the relation of man to nature. I believe man must be free, both in spirit and society, that he must build strength into himself, affirming ‘the enormous beauty of the world’ and acquiring the confidence to see and express his vision. And i believe in photography as one means of expressing this affirmation…"

“To photograph truthfully and effectively is to see beneath the surfaces…Impression is not enough. Design, style, technique — these too are not enough. Art must reach further than impression or self-revelation. Art, said Alfred Stieglitz, is the affirmation of life. And life, or its eternal evidence, is everywhere."

Written by kiwong

19 九月, 2008 at 12:26 下午
